There are things intolerable
You don't love My Father
it means you'll hate me
You'll hear a lot about my praising Father
You'll think I just am being a fussy
Telling you to do things you don't like
It's just me, the new me
You know me in the previous years, times I've left
I, myself, feel grateful that I get to know you
And I feel regretful to embrace the fact
That you don't love My Father
That you don't honor Him
That you think He's just the One sitting on His Throne
You don't know Him
And I can't fix your heart wounded by things I don't know yet
Well, I don't want to know either
The thing, the vital one I can do for you is praying
That My Gracious Father would be merciful
To give you the new heart
Like what He did to mine
You'll understand the things I'm saying now
But 'til then
I must separate myself from you
I'm not angry with you, it's just...
There are things intolerable
Deep down, I heart you, I feel you
Hopefully things will go well, with you and I
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