Monday, February 27, 2017


It's a story of my heart.
I look around and see people around me.
What are they chasing?
Where are they going?
Am I chasing what they chase?
Am I going to where they go?
In the crowd, I know that I am alone.
Maybe they know too that they are alone.
If not, they are deceiving themselves.
I can't chase what they chase.
I can't go where they go.
Everyone of us choose for ourselves.
Can't blame the situations around us.
It's definitely our choice.
We are all alone even though we're together.
Don't tell me that you never feel it!

Inside me, I want to scream
Why can't we just think of and talk about the One who is all-important?
Our Creator
You may say, "What do you mean?"
Life is full of distractions
This body is also a distraction
Think how much time spent for fulfilling this body's desire
What we think is important might not that important.
There are 2 desires in my body
I have to struggle everyday, to win the holy desires.

Deep inside my heart, I know that I don't love Him as He should be loved
Even though I want it to, desperately.
I'm doomed
Who can save me from this vanity?
Where do I go from here?

Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ
In my journey alone, in our journey alone
We have a hope that He has saved us and will save us
In my struggle alone, in our struggle alone
He is there to encourage, to comfort and to strengthen us
I can't imagine what my life would be
If I don't have Jesus Christ

“Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu”
Matius 11:28

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