Thursday, August 10, 2017

Last Night's Dream

Last night, I dreamt a dream. I was in a congregation, waiting for a preacher to come up. The front row was already full but a woman gave me a space to sit there. We were waiting, and waiting, but the preacher wouldn't come up. So, I was thinking of getting a bath.

I left this front row and went to the backstage to find a bathroom. I was already wearing my inner cloth so that I would do it quick before the preacher came up to the stage. There were some bathrooms but they were all unavailable. The problems were one belonged to a stranger, the other half opened, then I kept looking. But the desire to get a bath was urgent that I wouldn't wait to get the perfect one.

When I was about to come in a half-opened bathroom, 2 guys came near me, I could tell from their faces that they meant bad things. I took off my high-heel shoes and ran forward to the guys, hit their faces with the heels. They covered their eyes and faces. I ran out.

I saw an intersection road in front of me. I turned right to a house. It was an abandoned one so I saw nobody. I found a bag. It was full of things from my diving expedition to Riung in 1997. The photos were already half damaged but I could recall the memory from seeing them. I smiled. I digged deeper to the backpack. I found a blender, still working. The backpack was wet from the sea water. I found other things, but now, I don't remember. Suddenly, I remembered that I had to come back to the congregation.

I went back to the intersection road. I tried to stop a bus, a motorbike but they wouldn't stop. I kept looking. Then, a becak came up. The driver was a Batak woman. I told her that I need to find the mandarin church. I just found out that the congregation in the first place was a mandarin church. The woman rode the becak with me inside and led me to a building. It turned out to be the Batak festival party.

I told her this was not what I want. She told me the mandarin church I wanted was next to the Batak festival building. It was true. But, it wasn't the mandarin church I was looking for. I said to her that I remembered that the church was in a hotel. She had no idea knowing there was a church around which was located in a hotel. I was confused but I had the urgency of looking for it.

Then, suddenly, I was already in the congregation. Everybody was looking for me. They were upset because the preacher wouldn't come up if I wasn't there. Amongst the congregation, I saw the preacher, the face was blurred but he was upset, too. The end.

What a strange dream, but it is interesting :D

Before I went to bed, I read a Tere Liye's book "Kau, Aku dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah." There is a part telling that Borneo, the main character in the book, was looking around for a woman, Mei, for returning the Angpau. That's the reason I can give to explain the dream I get.

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